

What is Digital Garden they talking about?

Just a blog to write but they dont want to use the blog word and try to find reason for the digital garden.

And fine, if you all want a "blog" to be call a "Digital garden" then it just fine for me.

A Brief History of Digital Gardens

They just simple a "blog".

This is all my take on gardening, but knowledge and neologisms always live within communities. No one owns The Official Definition of digital gardening. Numerous people have contributed to the growing conversation and you should read their thoughts as well.

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Mentions around the web

Image by Pallangor, How to Make a Beautiful Minecraft GardenGarden of Infinite Possibilities Jorge Luis Borges’ story the “Garden of Forking Paths” is set in an elaborate garden, but the real garden is a book that is structured in such a way as to allow infinite possibilities.
Mike Caufield talks about his collection of notes in his wiki and how they work together as a rich network of ideas. Part of his method is to very carefully describe the relationship between two ideas when he builds his links. These descriptions become ideas in their own right.
Digital gardens are a relatively new concept that are gaining popularity online. They are often described as a cross between a blog and a personal wiki. At its core, a digital garden is a place for someone to share their thoughts, ideas, and learning experiences in a more casual
Naming is a political act as much as a poetic one.